A Diverse School Community
Hundreds of schoolchildren and their teachers visit the Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue every year. We offer students and teachers interactive exercises, lectures and facilitated conversations on topics that concern students' everyday lives and promote school diversity.

School Visits
The Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue welcomes school classes to educational programs at our premises at the Nansen Academy in Lillehammer, and can also implement similar programs in schools. Each visit includes one of our themes: Human Dignity and Racism, Democracy and Cultural Diversity, Conflict and Community, or Anti-Semitism in a local context.

The Dembra program (democratic preparedness against racism and antisemitism) at the Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue offers courses in, and guidance on, how schools can more consciously and systematically build democratic preparedness and prevent prejudice, exclusion, and racism. In line with the school curriculum, Dembra promotes student involvement and participation, reflection, and critical thinking.